【値引き交渉可】It will be Tsugaru Matagis Kikawa (skin).It seems to be a pre-war thing with traditional hunting tools, cold protection equipment, and Matagi costumes.We use dog (or pig) fur for the type of fur.Distribution as private ownership is extremely rare.It is a product that is rarely seen that is almost distributed only as exhibits and materials in the museum.It is also very valuable in folklore.Its actually used by Matagi, so its damaged.(One part that passes the string through both sides of the side has been damaged, and there is also hair loss.)It can also be used as a collector, collector, materials and interior (wall hanging).Its a very rare and high value, so the price is a little high, but please understand after reading the above.Taisho period to Showa periodHeight: 100cmWidth 55-60cm#マタギ#またぎ#東北#津軽#青森#犬の毛皮#個人所有#コレクション#民俗学#古民具#古美術#骨董品#民藝#民芸品#文化品#珍品#狩猟#毛皮#資料#歴史資料#インテリア#アンティーク#民族衣装#壁掛け#超希少#激レア#博物館#剥製#アイヌ
【値引き交渉可】It will be Tsugaru Matagis Kikawa (skin).It seems to be a pre-war thing with traditional hunting tools, cold protection equipment, and Matagi costumes.We use dog (or pig) fur for the type of fur.Distribution as private ownership is extremely rare.It is a product that is rarely seen that is almost distributed only as exhibits and materials in the museum.It is also very valuable in folklore.Its actually used by Matagi, so its damaged.(One part that passes the string through both sides of the side has been damaged, and there is also hair loss.)It can also be used as a collector, collector, materials and interior (wall hanging).Its a very rare and high value, so the price is a little high, but please understand after reading the above.Taisho period to Showa periodHeight: 100cmWidth 55-60cm#マタギ#またぎ#東北#津軽#青森#犬の毛皮#個人所有#コレクション#民俗学#古民具#古美術#骨董品#民藝#民芸品#文化品#珍品#狩猟#毛皮#資料#歴史資料#インテリア#アンティーク#民族衣装#壁掛け#超希少#激レア#博物館#剥製#アイヌ
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【コメント確認用】七五三 正絹 着物 日本製 京都山菱 7歳 帯 セット