ご覧頂きありがとうございます。こちら高級品の振袖になります。繊細な刺繍と色鮮やかなデザインとなっております。着物に詳しい方から非常にお褒めのお言葉を頂くくらいです。This is a high-class furisode (long-sleeved kimono). It is designed with delicate embroidery and vivid colors. It is so highly praised by kimono experts.◆サイズ身丈:158cm裄丈:67cm袖丈:108.5cm袖巾:34.5cm◆Explanation of Furisode(着物とは)Furisode is considered the first formal wear for unmarried women and is worn for coming-of-age ceremonies, wedding receptions, and recitals. The difference between furisode and kimono is the length of the sleeves. The sleeves of a furisode are longer than those of a kimono and are divided into three types according to the length of the sleeves: large furisode (approx. 114 cm), medium furisode (approx. 100 cm), and small furisode (approx. 85 cm).#japanesekimono #japanesehurisode #japaneseculture #yamatocompany#振袖 #着物 #ヤマト着物種類···着物素材···正絹購入時の金額 ¥1,000,000
ご覧頂きありがとうございます。こちら高級品の振袖になります。繊細な刺繍と色鮮やかなデザインとなっております。着物に詳しい方から非常にお褒めのお言葉を頂くくらいです。This is a high-class furisode (long-sleeved kimono). It is designed with delicate embroidery and vivid colors. It is so highly praised by kimono experts.◆サイズ身丈:158cm裄丈:67cm袖丈:108.5cm袖巾:34.5cm◆Explanation of Furisode(着物とは)Furisode is considered the first formal wear for unmarried women and is worn for coming-of-age ceremonies, wedding receptions, and recitals. The difference between furisode and kimono is the length of the sleeves. The sleeves of a furisode are longer than those of a kimono and are divided into three types according to the length of the sleeves: large furisode (approx. 114 cm), medium furisode (approx. 100 cm), and small furisode (approx. 85 cm).#japanesekimono #japanesehurisode #japaneseculture #yamatocompany#振袖 #着物 #ヤマト着物種類···着物素材···正絹購入時の金額 ¥1,000,000
成人式 正絹桃色振袖&帯等お得な6点セット
高級作り帯 二部式 【猫ちゃん】
帯 (西陣織) 着物 小物
西陣織帯 小物 振袖セット
【銘品新品】単衣「酒井織物」本場本塩沢「総絣かすりつづり織」麻の葉模様 白塩沢
銀座【志ま亀】塩瀬 名古屋帯
新品未使用【御仕立上・パールトン加工】丹後ちりめん 友禅袷着物 バラ