Intellijel Designs Atlantisお値下げしました!パッチングなしでも通常のシンセとして使える、SH-101 型+αな本格的なシンセサイザーモジュール!!一度試奏のみ。AtlantisDual Oscillator Subtractive Synth VoiceThe Atlantis is heavily inspired by the architecture and sound of the classic Roland SH-101. It has always been one of our favorite synths and we really liked how the seemingly limited architecture allowed for all sorts of creative and musically useful sounds to be easily generated. Just like the 101 it is quick to dial in beautifully rich bass and lead sounds but there is much more sonic territory to explore as well.お手数料、送料込み。
Intellijel Designs Atlantisお値下げしました!パッチングなしでも通常のシンセとして使える、SH-101 型+αな本格的なシンセサイザーモジュール!!一度試奏のみ。AtlantisDual Oscillator Subtractive Synth VoiceThe Atlantis is heavily inspired by the architecture and sound of the classic Roland SH-101. It has always been one of our favorite synths and we really liked how the seemingly limited architecture allowed for all sorts of creative and musically useful sounds to be easily generated. Just like the 101 it is quick to dial in beautifully rich bass and lead sounds but there is much more sonic territory to explore as well.お手数料、送料込み。
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